Fireflys dance in the evening sky, summer-state-of-mind the hoops and hollers of kids in the next yard having one last game before bed… soft morning light brushing against climbing roses and the sweet sound of birds filling the air…
These are some of the wonderful things that fill up the rhythms of summer. Where the sky is impossibly blue and the kiss of the air on your skin is warm and full of adventures waiting to be discovered.
The bright summer sun washes worry and stress from our minds. Our spirited inner muse infuses us with emotions and inspiration to play and try new things. Reminding us that all things are possible.
So many things to explore and experience, so many things to savor.. This is our summer state of mind
Take some time to tune into your summer state of mind. Spend a few minutes watching fireflys dance across the evening sky or spend an afternoon with a friend.
Do things you enjoyed as a child and experience them again for the very first time. Breath in the sweet scents of summer and let your heart soar as you open to possibilities and discover new summer memories.
Set the intention to take at least an hour a week this summer to savor where you are and what your are experiencing. Immerse yourself in the summer state of mind, revel in it and step into the simplicity of play.
Let yourself bask in the wonder of summer the emotions and inspiration that flow from enjoying yourself in the moment.
As you do this for just one hour a week you will make it possible to hold your summer state of mind through out the year. Dipping into when ever you choose. What a wonderful way to live.
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